

We announce our new Woolworths Sustainability Award

We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with Woolworths to recognise a restaurant that is making great strides towards running a sustainable business. The winner of the first-ever Woolworths Sustainability Award will be announced at next year’s restaurant awards.

The aim of the 2016 Woolworths Sustainability Award is to inspire Eat Out readers and members of the food industry and create greater awareness about responsible sourcing and eating. In the run-up to the 2016 restaurant awards, we will be working with independent, credible players to ensure that the criteria of the award is representative of sustainability in the restaurant business in South Africa.

The criteria will include, amongst other things, whether the restaurant prioritises using sustainable fish species and free-range meat, poultry and dairy; whether efforts are being made to source local, organic and seasonal produce; steps to limit food waste; and measures taken to save water and energy. It will also look at whether the restaurant supports and shows respect for the local community.

Eat Out chief judge Abigail Donnelly says, “This is an award I have wanted to introduce for a long time. I’m very passionate about sustainability in our industry, and I feel that South Africa is ready to embrace this worldwide trend. The team is looking forward to working hard with the criteria and learning as much as we can about what restaurants are doing and can still do to make responsible choices.”

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