

Adega Express (Sandton)

Thursday, February 20th, 2020

Adega restaurant it is not what everybody think it is, this adega restaurant at Mandela Square at Sandton is accompanied by foreigners, who act to serve but their are a threat to the South African Citizens, I asked a foreign waiter to stop making noise over my ears as I was busy with business documents on the table, the guy plugged his phone on my spot and was talking noisy to his foreign co worker, their manager backed them up with the security guards ended up grabbing my suit roughly and chased me outside with great humiliation in front of everybody. The Foreign waiters of Adega told me to take my South African country and carry it over my head. as they insisted that they will not stop making noise their restaurant is on a public area as they defended themselves. They even wanted to fight me I was very turned out, South Africans are jobless some of my South Africans even get fired if argued with customer the adega restaurant foreign employees with their manager, must be justified I need justice be done, I'm a wealth builder a professional investor this is not it how do I invest in such a low market of adega restaurant if its management is poor. I was humiliated my rights abused by worse their guards as they pulled me out by clothes tearing my suit in front of everyone. Even their guards failed me.
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