Tomahawk Spur Steak Ranch is a family style restaurant with a taste for life! South Africa’s favourite burgers, ribs and steaks.
User reviews
1 Review
Ashleigh Crook
'Tis unfortunate, but we live in the age of 'The Hipster'. And with the age of 'The Hipster', has commeth the 'Trendy Hipster Burger'. Now, burgers have traditionally been a simple food; bun, beef, tomato sauce and fries. The Hipsters have sought to destroy the traditional burger. But not Spur. Nay, Spur has honoured the timeless burger - bun, beef, tomato sauce and fries...and, of course, cheese sauce on the side (using processed cheese, obviously). There is no better burger than the Spur burger. There are no better fries than the Spur fries - especially when drenched in 1000 island dressing and BBQ sauce (which is free, by the way. When last did you get something for free?). As for the onion rings - sweet, crispy and delightful. Not deep fried in beer batter and placed unceremoniously on a lean, organic Ostrich patty. To top it off, the service is slick, friendly and your kids can make a mess without any judgment. So if you are genuinely looking for the best burger, it has to be Spur. Over and out.