

Milk and Honey Bar (Cape Town)

Friday, July 20th, 2018

Reviewed by Chris Moffatt

The average main costs over (well) R240. You cab guy a burger R90, fish and chips for R105 but the burger was cardboard dry, 1.2" thick burnt dry with something else (worse) as a side plate. All 3 patrons who ate fish prayed to last it through the night. The trick is to eat at the pizza place next door and move across for the jazz which was not bad at all. What the price of the drinks as well, it a place, not for the meek. One dish, a simple macaroni pie, (probably bought at Game for r20, selling at R120 + R200 if they put a slice of lobster on it - holy moly, dried out lobster on a macaroni that was harder to cut than cardboard. I watched as the other 15 customers squinted at the prices but only when I saw the horrified faced as they started to try their food did I cheer up a bit.
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