

Finger licking

Last week we headed down to the mall for a bite to eat. It was a unanimous choice as there aren’t really all that many places to eat yummy food in my neck of the woods, to be honest. We long for a Da Vinci’s – the best ribs ever!

But we found ourselves huddled in a booth at the Spur. As I placed my order of spicy nachos, our waiter told us about the special: eat as many ribs and chicken wings as you like for R89. Of course the boys placed their order immediately and proceeded to munch away a few plates full. I am by no means a food snob – I have no qualms sitting in a food court with cartons of takeaways – but that night I did have a slight cringe when I caught sight of Franck Dangereux (of The Foodbarn) and his boys walking through the doors of the Spur.

We both let out a huge laugh, louder than necessary, but it was probably due to a bit of embarrassment. Anyway, we got over ourselves and I told him about the special (he was super excited) and he revealed that he was ordering an extra large strawberry milkshake. The ribs were really delicious – sticky, with meat that just fell off the bone.

I doubt we will be eating out this weekend, but rather making piles of homemade pasta and slow-cooked, rich, melt-in-the-mouth beef ragu to go with it. Also on the menu are sheets of flat bread that we roll through the pasta machine and bake with garlic and smashed creamy anchovies. We might even throw some ribs on the braai, too.

Happy Easter egg hunting! 

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