

Pretoria restaurant catches fire

Pretoria restaurant Stone Cradle caught fire on Sunday morning, and several people had to be rescued, reports News24.

According to ER24 spokesperson, Chitra Bodasing, four people were treated at the scene for smoke inhalation. Two dogs were also saved from a neighbouring property. The thatch roof and the upper level of the building had been burnt, the news service reports.

SABC journalist Liela Magnus confirmed on Twitter that the structure could not be saved. Wind caused the fire to spread rapidly, and as there was no water system on the premises, tankers had to be brought in, she said. Magnus also reported that the grass fire was threatening the neighbouring Uitkyk Estate, and people were taking precautions to protect three horses stabled there. As of 2pm, the reporter announced that the blaze appeared to be under control.

As of 2:30pm, the restaurant posted a notice on Facebook to say they were closed until further notice.

Eat Out’s thoughts are with the restaurant’s team.

A photo posted by Jaime Fouche (@pacrat90) on

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