Roasted red peppers make for a scrumptious, sweet, tangy pesto. Serve with slices of smoked chicken, paprika sweet potatoes, warm wraps and a spoonful of mayonnaise.
Preheat oven to 200°C. Cut the sweet potatoes into wedges and halve and deseed the peppers and arrange with the garlic on a baking tray. Sprinkle the sweet potatoes with paprika and drizzle 2 tbsp olive oil over the peppers and garlic. Season to taste. Roast for 35 minutes until potatoes are golden and cooked through. Remove the skins of the peppers and roughly chop. Place sundried tomatoes, pepper, garlic and remaining olive oil in a blender, combine until smooth and season to taste. Slice up chicken breasts and serve on warm wraps with a spoonful of mayonnaise, sundried tomato and red pepper pesto and top with fresh rocket. Serve with paprika sweet potatoes.
Tip: You can also use store-bought basil pesto instead of making your own and serve with sliced avocado.
Recipe by Hannah Lewry for iMagazine. Download the iPhone app here.