

Freshly Hermanus

“Here are your bay leaves,” says a woman peering over a mass of dark green leaves and twigs. “I harvested them this morning,” she adds as she hands them over to Tracy Polea who’s manning her organic vegetable stall in the Hermanus Country Market.

Tracy’s stall is heaving with fresh produce. There are bowls of green and orange mangos, glass bottles of homemade ginger beer and five different types of tomatoes—from the plump and juicy to the small and sweet. “I supply a lot of restaurants in the area,” says Tracy and quickly recommends that I visit Mogg’s Country Cookhouse.

Hermanus is experiencing an organic revival, and the not-so-sleepy town on Walker Bay in the Overberg is fast becoming a foodie destination. The Hermanus Country Market is but one of the many buzzing spots that makes a trip there worthwhile. Read more.


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