

Second Soup, Sip and Bread winter feast in Durbanville

Durbanville Wine Valley is keeping the winter chills at bay with its second Soup, Sip and Bread winter event, set to take place on 6 June.

Participating wine estates, including Nitida, Meerendal, Hillcrest, Durbanville Hills, Diemersdal, De Grendel, D’Aria, Bloemendal and Altydgedacht, will see their vintages paired with warming soups and artisinal breads. Think Tuscan bean soup with merlot, minestrone with barbera, or shiraz with biltong soup and soft glühwein bread.

Since Durbanville is seen as a sauvignon blanc hotspot, the grassy white will also make an appearance coupled with seafood bisque, while the Mexican tortilla soups fire will be doused with gewürtztraminer.

To view the full programme, visit Durbanville Wine Valleys website, and for more information contact 083 310 1228.

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