

Solar-powered gourmet coffee cart launches in Cape Town

There is such a thing as perfect timing, and it arrives in the form of The Coffee Station – a solar-powered gourmet coffee cart that has just launched in Cape Town.

The Coffee Station is powered entirely by LPG gas and solar energy and can be found serving up gourmet coffee and hot beverages daily at the Cape Town Summer Market in The Company’s Gardens. All coffee is prepared by head barista Ryan Hill using the popular Deluxe Coffee house blend and you can enjoy a selection of cappuccinos, lattes, iced coffees, espressos, hot chocolate, teas and red cappuccinos.

The Coffee Station

The Coffee Station

The gourmet coffee cart is the first concept cart to be released by Gourmet Carts – a new project that constructs, leases and operates custom-designed mobile bicycle food carts. Founded in July 2014 by Shaun Barns and Gareth Handley, Gourmet Carts builds environmentally conscious food carts using as many reclaimed materials as possible. The team, who have recently completed a ‘gourmet gatsby’ cart, are currently working on an upliftment project in conjunction with government institutions and corporates, which aims to provide local hawkers and SMMEs with the training and financial aid required to operate their own sustainable, solar-powered businesses. “It’s early days, but there are exciting things to come,” says co-founder Shaun Barns.

The Coffee Station

The Coffee Station

You can find The Coffee Station at the Cape Town Summer Market in Company’s Gardens from 20 to 30 December 2014 and at the Courtyard Market at The Woodmill, and the Mouille Point park in the new year.

Keep an eye on the Gourmet Carts website for updates and opportunities. 


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