

Spot-on country fare at Stables Restaurant

Fiona McDonald pays a visit to Stables Restaurant on the historic Vergelegen Wine Estate and enjoys spot-on contemporary country fare in a gorgeous setting.

Food ?
As befits a venue located at a popular tourist attraction – and an extremely beautiful one at that – the food is unfussy. Contemporary country casual is their choice of description and it hits the nail on the head. Breakfast runs the full gamut from eggs in all carnations and muesli for the roughage brigade to make-your-own smoothies with a long list of options to choose from. For the many tourists wanting to save their appetites for a big evening meal there’s an extensive range of sandwiches and salads, along with excellent crispy, thin-based pizzas and a few pastas. But there are enough options for those who have worked up an appetite while wine tasting: grilled line fish of the day or a roasted chicken supreme are popular items under the chef’s choice section, while for real trenchermen there’s the plank steak – a 24-day aged sirloin, pepper-crusted beef fillet, lamb sosatie or salmon steak. There’s an abbreviated dessert menu with two fruity options, the ubiquitous crème brûlée and chocolate pudding – in this case a Venetian torte – and a vineyard cheese platter.

They offer Vergelegen wines only, but at one of South Africa’s top wine estates that’s no hardship. There’s a good spread of grape varietals and blends as well as price points. Wines are available by the glass or bottle, including their premium reserve offerings. The only exception is their bubbly: it’s a bottle or nothing!

The staff are warm and friendly, while still eminently professional. They are happy to venture opinions and describe menu items and preparation methods. 

The ambience is invitingly laid back and ideal for a tea with mum or a long convivial lunch with mates. The surroundings are airy with abundant natural light and beautiful mountain vistas streaming in from all angles. Although grown up and beautifully contemporary with bold colour highlights and modern artwork, it’s also the kind of place where children are free to run barefoot on the grass outside, returning for a few quick bites and tales of having seen a squirrel or hadeda.

?A section of one wall is given over to shelves full of Vergelegen goodies like home-baked biscuits, cordials and bright napkins, or even pencils and notebooks as mementos or gifts for friends back home.

By Fiona McDonald

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