

We want more restaurants

We like to know what’s cooking in the restaurant industry, and we usually do, but we can’t be everywhere at once. That’s why we need your eyes and ears in towns across the country, from Pofadder to Parys to Pretoria.
Send us the name and contact details of a new – or not-so-new – non-chain restaurant that we haven’t got listed on our site, and we will send you a free copy of the 2012 Eat Out magazine, which lists the 1000 best restaurants in South Africa. (If you can't think come up with any restaurants, you can still buy a copy of Eat Out online or at your nearest Exclusive Books, Woolworths, CNA and Pick 'n Pay.)
So, what is a restaurant?
A venue counts as a restaurant on Eat Out if its main function is to serve full meals at a specific place. However, if it only serves tea and coffee and lets you take a quiche home, it does not count. If it’s a restaurant in a guesthouse that is only for residing guests, it does not count. If it’s a van that sells boeries on the side of the road, it does not count. And if it belongs to a chain of stores in malls or petrol stations across the country… you’ve got the hang of it.
Where do I sign?
Send your name, address and the new restaurant’s details to

Photograph: new Cape Town restaurant, The Orphanage.

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