

Our top 10 restaurants for 2006

Our regional critics compiled a list of the best restaurants in their area, then our judges had the final say. We guarantee you will be taken with their sheer culinary brilliance and an all-round enjoyable dining experience. Here are the Eat Out Johnnie Walker Top Ten Restaurants for 2006.

Auberge Michel
Chef Frederic Leloup
Most impressive and stylish, good service

Bread & Wine
Chef Neil Jewell
Best kept secret, easy eating country food, a real treat

Chef Mike Bassett
Exciting and artistic, layers of flavours

Owner Sabi Sabharwal
Outstanding Asian experience, beautiful flowers, tasteful bathrooms

Chef George Jardine
A well-balanced menu, there is something for everyone, well-priced, real food

Lynton Hall
Chef Richard Carstens
So different, a mastermind, wish he was in Cape Town

Ninth Avenue Bistro
Chef Carly Goncalves
Tucked away and a jewel, great service

Chef Reuben Riffel
Excellent flavours, simple and real, friendly and relaxed

The Showroom
Chef Bruce Robertson
Energy, fun and trendy, playful, humoristic

Chefs Michael Broughton and Nic Van Wyk
Attention to detail, outstanding service, phenomenal sauces, good balance of people

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