

Col’Cacchio Tyger Valley readr review

Thursday, December 19th, 2013

Reviewed by Ingrid Lourens

This restaurant is exploiting their patrons with absurd prices on specifically the Pongracz Rose at R295 per bottle! Watch out everyone! Not even the best steakhouse in Cape Town, the 5 star Carne, charges such absurd prices! Carne charges R220 per bottle! Colcacchio is not even in the same league as Carne but they charge way more than Carne. Cafe Magnifico in the same centre charges R188 per bottle! Colcacchio is taking their patrons for a ride! I brought this to the attention of the specific restaurant and Head Office but they just offer long explanation that avoid the facts, which is that this is daylight robbery! Beware everyone!

You can buy a bottle from the cellar at R120. We all know restaurants and or their suppliers get wholesale prices, so they are definitely not paying R120 per bottle! But even at R120 per bottle, it would mean by selling it at R295, they have a 150% mark-up! That is just absurd and they are really exploiting their patrons!

I will not support a chain like this! Beware - don't let restaurants take advantage of you!
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