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Monday to Sunday 11am to 11pm
Pop in at Balena Blu and enjoy fresh, authentic Italian cooking and a variety of fragrant and delicious seafood dishes.
Cowfish is known for its Asian inspired burgers, sushi, dim sum and grills. Instagram:...
Founded in 2000, Yamitsuki introduced the concept of Japanese style cuisine, presented to customers via a unique conveyor belt system. The experience was fun and...
There has been a spate of great new pizza places popping up in the city over the past couple of years. Pizza Connection (where Pesce Azzuro used to live) in...
The Most Authentic Thai Restaurant in South Africa Our Multi Award winning establishment offers a little genuine glimpse of Thailand in Hilton. through a journey of...
Our Wine Pod is our unique tasting room on our estate. It was designed to bring nature into the structure. Because of this, when you are enjoying a glass of elegant...
De Grendel is an inner city wine farm restaurant that forms part of the Durbanville wine route. The estate is great for locals who want to experience a full...
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